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From an early age, Dr. Sarah knew Chiropractic was her calling. As a student, she developed a deep curiosity and profound respect for the complexity of the upper cervical spine and its impact on life and health. Her search for the most effective approach for correcting the upper cervical spine ended when she discovered the precision of NUCCA and the dramatic results it brought her and her own family. This was absolutely the tool she would use to help patients live life in alignment and achieve their healing potential.

From an early age, Dr. Sarah knew Chiropractic was her calling. As a student, she developed a dee... Read More

After suffering from headaches, dizziness and memory issues because of numerous concussions throughout his hockey career and finding no relief, Dr. Tad gave Johnson Spinal Care a chance to change his health. After his first NUCCA correction the fog cleared and he found sustained relief from his symptoms for the first time. It had such a profound impact that it changed his career path from physical therapy to becoming a NUCCA doctor. Dr. Tad feels blessed and honored to be able to give the same life changing care to his patients.

After suffering from headaches, dizziness and memory issues because of numerous concussions throu... Read More

Dr. Matt was born and raised in Minot, ND. A North Dakota kid at heart he has made his way back down to the Twin Cities and Johnson Spinal Care Associates, P.A., the clinic where he completed his final internship in 2010. Since that time Dr. Matt has practiced traditional chiropractic in Fargo and has helped hundreds of people. But comparing the benefits of that care with the Upper Cervical difference he witnessed during his internship, Dr. Matt welcomed the opportunity to become part of the team at Johnson Spinal Care Associates, P.A.

Dr. Matt was born and raised in Minot, ND. A North Dakota kid at heart he has made his way back d... Read More

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